Thursday, April 24, 2008

Poisoned Apple

When did you stop eating healthy food? Do you even know when?

As children we were told to eat our vegetables, have an apple instead of a candy bar, drink milk instead of a soda... things that SEEMED to be good advice. My parents believed they were doing right with such advice.

Unfortunately, they were not.

Many of the vegetables shoved down kids' unwilling maws were canned. Over-cooked, loaded with salt, sugar, and more exotic preservatives; even artificial coloring to restore the "natural" look. Cans were soldered with lead-based metals; later they were lined with plastic coatings that were supposed to protect us from metal poisoning. "Fresh" veggies were sprayed with pesticides at the farm and the grocery store. Some were coated with petroleum products to make them look more appealing.

Things have changed: Now it's worse! The definition of "organic" has been changed to suit big corporations who want to ride the market without the trouble of doing it right. Known poisons are added to foods as sweeteners. "Natural flavors" are created in laboratories from once-natural ingredients. Certain unpleasant ingredients are left off of labels using the rationale that there isn't enough of it present that makers are legally required to list them.

Well, when I buy rat-poison, I don't want peas added to it. If my breakfast cereal is toxic to pests in the warehouse, I for sure don't want to eat it myself!

Milk... doesn't do a body much good. Sure, milk contains calcium. The lie is in its usability by the body: It isn't sufficiently absorbed by the body, and the reactions milk causes actually REDUCE the calcium in your bones. On top of that, the foreign (bovine) proteins in milk cause an immune system reaction that can eventually trigger an auto-immune response. That is, an illness resembling AIDS. There's more: Look it up yourself.

Who convinced you to spend money to poison your own food?

Is it worth being poisoned, to reduce the possibility of seeing a worm in your apple?


valerie said...

all that you mention is very scary... i wish people would wake up to what is being fed to our nation. i'm appalled at the food being fed to my students each day in the cafeteria for breakfast and lunch. we may as well be feeding them a cup of sugar dyed hot pink. can you imagine strawberry milk over frosted flakes washed down with fruit punch? and so i have to wonder why four out of my 17 students are on medication... our nation is oppressed by food (and television).

Michael said...

Ooh, yes! You are so right! But we are perverted a little at a time. Remember Tang, the "orange drink"? NASA likes it, so it must be good...