I've been tagged by V; now I'm supposed to tell five things about myself. Who am I? What do *I* know about me? What does anyone know about themselves? Let's pretend I know myself...
1. I despise lying. If you want to be famous for something, don't polish your image: BE what you want to be known for! If it's not in your nature to be a chess champion, don't lie about it; find something you like, and strive for it. For example...
2. I'd like to be a well-known and liked, published author. What am I gonna do about it? Write a book! If I stumble, I'll learn from what people tell me. So, I'm a member of a local writers' club that meets every couple of weeks, and we read our own writing to each other. I also read what others write about writing (and getting published), especially if I like their writing. I have 11,000 words of a projected 14,000 word short story written. Once that's done, tied with a bow, and mailed off, I plan to turn it into a 70,000 word or so novel. I also have ~45,000 words of a projected 140,000 word novel, which may grow into...well, let's get it published, first! :D
3. I like to take pictures and make movies; I began serious shooting in 1983. Back to #1, I'm doing something about that, too: I've taken some 15,000 photos in the last two years, have been making and posting videos online for a club I'm in for about a year, and have joined a photography club with artistic inclinations so I can hone my craft. I'll be upgrading my camera this month.
4. I love everybody. That doesn't mean I think you'd make a good president! In fact, I'm working on that... :) I've become precinct chair, and am a state delegate. I fully intend to restore love to the White House! <^o^>
5. I believe in Extra-Terrestrials. Duh! :D
1 comment:
i didn't know you are a writer... it all makes sense as i enjoy your interesting posts. you should share some of your photographs and films on your blog. if you haven't already, you should check out the two film blogs i have listed. you can watch david's films directly from his website.
thanks for sharing a little about yourself!
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